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I am so happy you are here! Now sit and visit with me for a while, visit all my pages and feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you! It's all just a SOUTHERN THING.



How Does A Southern Belle get trapped in LA?  She follows a man!  Oh dear Lord!

A fish outta water has a hard time breathin'  I sometimes flip and flop on the deck just beggin' from some nice person to stop by and throw me back in.  But it never happens.  I feel trapped on vacation, on a beautiful island full of 360 days of 70 degree weather and cloudless skies of sunshine a year.  Oh it's perfection alright. But I never go home.  Even after  a terrific vacation, you still just need your own bed.  I am a Southern Belle trapped in LA LA land...LA...Los Angeles, California.  And my heavens above, it IS different out here!!